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10 Tips to Get More Customers

Want more customers but don’t know how to get more customers?

I got you!

Check out my top 10 ways I personally use to grow my list of customers! It is crucial to make sure you plan and schedule it regularly. This way, it will take less effort for you to execute, each time you do it!

Here's a quick list of tactics you can use to get noticed, connect with potential clients, and grow your gym:

1️⃣ Research: You have to figure out where customers are hanging out. What communities, online platforms, and industry publications where your customers hanging out? You have to start thinking like them.

2️⃣ Networking: Attend industry events and conferences so you can connect & collab with other business owners with a similar customer base.

3️⃣ Cold Outreach: It's old school, but it still works! Reach out to potential customers through social media DMs, email, and Facebook groups. Just ensure the message is personal and authentic to your company's brand.

4️⃣ Referrals: Word of mouth is powerful! Ask your current clients, business associates, and friends for referrals. Make the offering to referrals irresistible, and reward them for referring business to you!

5️⃣ Online presence: Ask yourself, if you were a customer, how easy is it to find your business online? Then, use social media, Google My Business, and your website to showcase your services and make it easier for customers to see you!

6️⃣ Direct mail: I am a big fan of direct mailers. Send a direct mail campaign to potential customers. Make sure the message you crafted is with the customer's perspective. It's not what you want to tell them; what do they want to know about your business?

7️⃣ Open house: Host an open house event at your place of business: offer tours, demos, mini treatments, mini-seminars, etc. Let potential customers experience try your business for themselves!

8️⃣ Follow-up: Following up with potential or past customers via phone is imperative. See if you can understand their needs more and get them to rebook. Without a follow-up, its like going on a first date but not getting a text afterward - not good!

9️⃣ Partnering up: Reach out to complementary businesses for collaboration and partnership ideas. If you are in the spa business, look for beauty salons or fitness studios to see if they know any customers interested in your spa services.

🔟 Special offer: Create special deals or packages for customers that send referrals or book a particular service. It's a win-win situation for everyone! 💆‍♀️💅💆‍♂️

The best thing you can do with all these is to make sure you are doing it with the opposite party in mind. Get in their head; what would they want to know? What would pique their interest?

More importantly, the more consistent you are, the more results you will get.

Remember, it's not what you do but HOW you do it that makes all the difference.

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