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How To Make Better Decisions For You And Your Company

I firmly believe that if you could make decisions more quickly and with greater ease, you would see faster progress in your business.

Yet, the pressure of knowing every decision shapes your company's future, combined with conflicting advice and internal doubts, makes choosing the right decision feel overwhelming.

First, if you must seek advice, let it come from those living the life you want in that area.

For example: If you're considering expanding to a new location, seek advice from someone who manages multiple locations and from someone who runs a single thriving location.

Their insights will be more relevant and valuable than any Tom, Dick, and Harry.

Instead of overthinking and trying to predict the future, try relying more on your intuition.

The best decisions come from intuition, which only emerges from a place of clarity. But how do you find clarity amid internal turmoil?

  • Step 1: Once you FEEL you have all the information you need, turn inward to connect with your internal compass.

  • Step 2: Pay attention to how your body responds to different options. If you're unsure, take a deep breath, find peace, and present each option to yourself. Notice if your body feels lighter or heavier with each choice.

    • If the smallest muscles tighten or if you feel uneasy, it’s likely a “no.”

    • If it feels light or you notice any relaxation, it’s a “yes.” Another indicator is whether an option sparks even a tiny bit of joy.

  • If you are still confused, you might need more information or something to spark before you go full throttle in your decision.

    • Determine which it is: if you need more information, seek it out. If you need a spark, ask yourself if you can provide that. If not, perhaps it's time to wait for a moment of inspiration.

Trust what your intuition is telling you, even if it goes against the grain of logic and the opinions of those around you.

You created this company for yourself, so trust yourself, as you’ve already proven your ability by building this business.

Your intuition is a powerful decision-making tool, and the journey of your business is yours to navigate.

Remember, it's not what you do but how you do it! Style supersedes everything!

As always, I am here to help you get ridiculously loyal customers, so let's get to it!

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