As a business owner, you MUST possess a high level of discernment, navigating complex decisions and external influences every day.
Even the most discerning leader can be impacted by subconscious doubts and external noise. As cliché as it may sound affirmations offer a strategic approach to counter these influences. These positive statements, when repeated intentionally, are a powerful tool to solidify your beliefs and propel you toward achieving your business goals.
By reinforcing your core beliefs and fostering a more positive mindset, affirmations can help you:
Boost confidence and decision-making: A steady stream of positivity combats self-doubt, empowering you to make crucial choices with greater conviction.
Increase resilience: Challenges are inevitable, but affirmations can equip you with the mental fortitude to navigate setbacks and keep moving forward.
Sharpen focus and motivation: By keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind, affirmations can help you stay laser-focused and maintain the drive to achieve your vision.
So let's get started on building a success mindset for you.
How to Create an Affirmation
The best affirmations are short, powerful statements that make you feel expansive and empowered. Think about something you want to be true about yourself or a reminder you need regularly. When you say it aloud and feel uplifted and powerful, you've hit the jackpot!
Examples of Effective Affirmations
My clients have created and used these statements with tremendous success:
" I am always maintaining and improving upwards, maintain and improve, maintain and improve."
"I am the best at whatever I choose to be."
"My name is [Full Name], and I own 12 locations. That's just who I am."
“Why is so easy to rely on my team and they are always finding ways to exceed our sale’s goals?”
Fast Tracking to Hacking Your Self-Belief System
Althea Montgomery of Creative Clearings recommends repeating your affirmation 10x, 3 x a day, with conviction. Repetition strengthens your subconscious mind, similar to how exercise strengthens your body.
When Affirmations Feel Difficult
On tough days, when affirmations feel untrue, it's okay! Reframe them into questions. For example, change "I easily grow my business" to "What if I could easily grow my business?" or “Why is it easy to grow my business?”: Questions prompt your subconscious to generate solutions making it easier to believe.
Integrating Affirmations into Your Routine
Habit-stacking affirmations with activities you enjoy can make them seamless. Try repeating affirmations while walking your dog, working out, or getting ready for the day.
The Power of Consistency
The key to success lies in consistency. The more you repeat your affirmations, the deeper they'll embed in your subconscious mind. This empowers you to navigate challenges more effectively and maintain a clear vision for your business's future.
Remember, it's not what you do but how you do it! Style supersedes everything!
As always, I am here to help you get ridiculously loyal customers, so let's get to it!
If you want to go deep into your limiting beliefs - I highly suggest doing a session with Althea. https://www.creativeclearings.com/